
This kind of mapping uses a narrative approach to show that the assessments address all unit requirements.

The procedure was generally the same as other ACAS qualifications.

The first stage was to edit the units:

  1. The first step was to select the units and do a packaging page. Units were selected to address a particulare job description.
  2. Next step was to load the soft copy of the units into computer.
  3. Tidy up page layout.
  4. Delete anything in the unit that is not a requirement. (e.g. definitions of each section, "... may ..." statements in the Range Statement.)
  5. Check the Employability skills. Although they appear important, they are really at qualification level and do not add any new specific requirements of units.
  6. Change text into plain English that students would understand.
  7. Eliminate any redundancies.
  8. Change titles into plain English that students would understand.
  9. Check that everything is in a sensible order.
  10. Express the requirements as assessment tools.
  11. Other assessment information (e.g. task management skills, contingencies) were put in the student area of the website.

The next stage was to check other requirements:

  1. valid: they relate directly to the units
  2. valid: assessment tasks suit the skills being assessed
  3. reliable: other qualified supervisors would make the same assessment outcome. The tools seem to be concrete and clear enough to be reliable. More specific tasks could not be made (at least at this stage) because students must be able to do various tasks for different kinds of clients and equipment specifications vary.
  4. fair: the tools are equitable for all kinds of students
  5. flexible: The tools work for all the kinds of situations faced.
  6. focus on the application of knowledge and skill to the standard of performance required in the workplace: Very clearly addressed
  7. cover all aspects of workplace performance, including
    • task skills: covered in job descriptions
    • task management skills: explicit in instructions to students in "Other expectations"
    • contingency management skills : explicit in instructions to students in "Other expectations"
    • job role environment skills: : explicit in instructions to students in "Other expectations"
  8. Check assessment context: the workplace over a substantial period of time in different kinds of tasks.
  9. Check the number of kinds of evidence for each element. The practic l assessments will all be on the job over a period of time. Students are also required to:
    1. answer oral questions relating to the tasks
    2. fill in a log book as they go.
  10. Check that everything is in a sensible order.

Note: The program are still relatively new, so the materials will need to be reviewed after the first group of students has gone through.