Teaching and assessing this

A number of units require "Use of culturally appropriate processes, and techniques appropriate to the language and literacy capacity of learners and the work being performed." It seems that this requirement is probably a result of using this qualification in Aboriginal community radio stations.

It applies to the folowing units:

  • Develop and apply creative arts industry knowledge CUFIND201A
  • Assist with a basic camera shoot CUFCAM201A
  • Assist with sound recordings CUSSOU201A
  • Perform basic vision and sound editing CUFPOS201A


  • the unit "Collect and organise content for broadcast or publication" (CUFRES201A) requires the assessor to provide culturally appropriate processes and techniques appropriate to this level qualification and to the sutdent's work.
  • The unit "Develop and apply creative arts industry knowledge" (CUFIND201A) also requires access to appropriate learning and assessment support when required

The assignments in the unit "Develop and apply creative arts industry knowledge CUFIND201A" look like they could be done through research, but that would be inappropriate at Cert I level. I recommend that an instructor talk students through the ideas and content in smaller steps.


How the training will probably happen

  1. Instructor runs the production meeting to set tasks and timelines.
  2. Instructor tells students what you are trying to achieve with each assigned task. He/she goes gives out paperwork and goes through it with students.
  3. The instructor demonstrates the steps and:
    • explains it as he/she goes
    • explains how to prevent/solve any problems
    • explains any particular factors for getting get it right
    • answers any questions.
    • asks students questions of things that they might be able to figure out themselves
  4. The students will need to see it all more than once.
  5. The instructor answers any questions.
  6. Students try hands-on while the instructor watches.
  7. Student has some practice under supervision:
    • The instructor points out what to do for the things that most often go wrong.
    • The instructor answers any questions.
  8. Students get assigned practicum segments.
  9. The student gets orientation to the specific requirements of the segment.
  10. The instructor/assessor visits the student during the production cycle and gets feedback on how it's going. This happens with decreasing frequency when the student is more confident and consistent.
  11. The instructor/assessor identifies when the student is ready for final assessment.