Basic admin

Undertake basic administrative duties CHCADMIN201D


This unit is about doing the kind of basic administration that is needed in community services organizations.



How you will be assessed

This units will be assessed by:

  • Give your assessor a walkaround tour of your workplace, and describe your organization, its goals, and what you do. You assessor may ask any relevant questions in order to understand what you do.
  • Supervisor observation of your contribution in team meetings
  • Review of your workplan and your workplace documents
  • Interview based on the requirements below.



  1. What are your organization’s policies and procedures for recording information and keeping records?
  2. What are your organization’s policies and procedures for maintaining supplies?
  3. How can you use resources efficiently to enhance sustainability in the work context?



Detailed requirements

1. Follow your organization’s reporting procedures.

  1. Report information according to your organization’s requirements.
  2. Report details clearly and accurately.
  3. Distribute reports according to your organization’s policy and procedures.
  4. Keep records secured according to your organization’s policy and procedures.
  5. Replenish materials and supplies as needed. (Follow your organization’s policy and procedures for doing so.).

2. Use workplace equipment.

  1. Use equipment relevant to your work role. Follow instructions and guidelines as you do so.
  2. If you need help and guidance from other staff, ask for it and get it.
  3. If something goes wrong with the equipment, report it to your supervisor.

3. Other required skills.

  1. Follow relevant policies, guidelines and procedures of the organization relating to administrative duties.
  2. Complete any documentation required by your organization.
  3. Apply language, literacy and numeracy competence appropriate to the requirements of the organization and client group:
    • This may be oral communication if reporting verbally, or writing skills if filling in forms. (Note that forms may vary in complexity.)
    • The language used may be English or a community language.
  4. As you have opportunity, fllow sustainable practices. This particularly applies to using resources efficiently (minimizing waste, being environmentally responsible).