Students’ proposed job description

This represents the skills that students will have at the end of the course if they do the electives in community aged care.

  1. Report to supervisor*
    1. Take verbal and written instructions
    2. Work with a care plan if applicable, and communicate with your supervisor regarding its appropriateness
  2. Attend team meetings as asked (debrief activities, review cases)
  3. Work as part of a network
  4. Support older people
    1. Interact socially with older people (e.g., personal visits, social support, reading to them, taking them to the movies or shopping)
    2. Build good personal relationships
    3. Find out what each client needs
    4. Recognize problems and report them (e.g. feeling unwell, social isolation, stress or other emotional difficulties, elder abuse, dangers in the home). These are different from the normal effects of aging.
    5. Manage difficult behavior as needed
  5. Use a basic admin and communication system for aged care support:
    1. Use basic forms
    2. Read and write memos
    3. Pass on communications
    4. Handle phone messages
  6. Work safely (e.g. lifting, building hazards, dangerous situations)
  7. Maintain boundaries (i.e. ethics).


* Students don’t need to maintain a communication book (a.k.a. day book)