Concept development

BSBCRT501 Originate and develop concepts


You will be assessed in the workplace as a safe environment, and must demonstrate consistent performance of typical activities in the creative work. You will need access to:

  1. a full range of background information required to evaluate the operational factors that will affect the implementation of concepts
  2. opportunities to collaborate with others throughout the concept development process.

You need to show that you have:

  1. Generated concepts and ideas that provide innovative solutions to identified issues
  2. Evaluated and test concepts and ideas
  3. Presenedt ideas and information to others and reflect on responses
  4. Developed at least two concepts, substantiated and supported with sufficient information for implementation.


Interview/assignment questions

  1. Describe the broad context in which concepts are being developed
  2. What cultural, social and environmental issues and impacts do you need to consider when developing new concepts?
  3. What are the problems in commercialising new concepts?
  4. What are the requirements for commercialising new concepts?
  5. What are the practical and operational issues that you must consider in your specific work or community context?
  6. Describe the range of broad practical and operational issues that determine whether a concept can be implemented?
  7. Describe your range of techniques for generating creative ideas and solutions.
  8. Describe your range of techniques for translating them into workable concepts.
  9. When you develop ideas and concepts to meet market requirements, who do you consult on on broad parameters?