State-based Policies
Auspicing South Australian Schools
From: Ramos, Isabella (DFEEST) <>
Date: Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 9:37 AM
Subject: VET in Schools
To: "" <>
Hi Kye,
I am writing in regards to your query on Friday. I have spoken to the Project Manager and can now confirm that the requirement to apply for approval to deliver VET to South Australian school students only applies to RTOs that are registered under the Training and Skills Development Act 2008 (SA). It does not apply to RTOs that are registered by an interstate registering body or by the Australian Skills Quality Authority who may be delivering VET in South Australia.
The reason that these arrangements do not apply to interstate RTOs operating in SA is that this requirement is authorised by the state legislation in SA through the Guidelines for RTOs Registered under the Training and Skills Development Act 2008 that are applied to RTOs registered in SA under this Act.