Quote from email from David O'Neile, Data & Reporting Officer
Tasmanian Qualifications Authority
P (03) 6233 6352 F (03) 6224 0175
Postal Address: PO Box 147
Physical Address: Level 5, Kirksway House, Battery Point)

•   Copy of AVETMISS 6.1 This is more detailed that the information linked from the TQA website.
•   The 7.0 standard has been announced but not yet implemented.

Links to their website:

RTO Attainment Reporting

Registered Training Organisations delivering in Tasmania are required to provide client attainment returns to the TQA.

Section 64C of the Tasmanian Qualifications Authority Act 2003, amended February 2012, states:

64C. Registered training organisations to provide information to Qualifications Authority

A registered training organisation conducting operations in this State must provide returns of its client records of attainment of units of competency and qualifications, as are determined by the Qualifications Authority, to the Qualifications Authority at such times and in such manner as the Qualifications Authority determines.

Penalty: Fine not exceeding 10 penalty units.

TQA requires RTOs to provide their returns as a set of electronic data files in the national AVETMISS Release 6.1 specification format.
This is the same format required by Skills Tasmania for their regular reporting.

Details of this specification are available from: http://www.ncver.edu.au/publications/2401.html.

NCVER software validation tools are found: http://www.ncver.edu.au/avetmiss/21058.html.
Validation problems: contact the NCVER Helpdesk: toll free 1800 649 452, email: support@ncver.edu.au.

The full set of files (NAT000010, 20, 30, 60, 80, 85, 90, 100, 120 and 130) are to be emailed quarterly to the TQA at: results@tqa.tas.gov.au.

If your RTO has no attainment activity to report for the quarter, send an email identifying your RTO, stating: nil attainments.

2012 Reporting schedule:

QuarterPeriod startPeriod endDue by

If your organisation is having difficulty meeting the above requirements, contact Phil Geeves urgently (6233 6354) or email: phil.geeves@tqa.tas.gov.au.