Mapping of TAA04 to TAE10 Cert IV in Training and Assessment
(Based on Training package mapping of equivalents)

Conclusion: According to the packages themselves and adjusting for a couple of mistakes, a TAA04 graduate has exceeded all requirements for the TAE10 version.




TAE10 core units@


Use Training Packages to meet client needs TAADES401B

Not equivalent
(TAE10 p.18)

Use training packages and accredited courses to meet client needs TAEDES402A

TAA unit requires covers everything in the TAE unit, but also has other requirements.

Facilitate individual learning TAADEL403B and Facilitate work-based learning TAADEL404B

(TAE10 p.17)

Plan, organise and facilitate learning in the workplace TAEDEL402A


Design and develop learning programs TAADES402B

Not equivalent
(TAE10 p.17)

Design and develop learning programs TAEDES401A

These are equivalent if some of the evidence is a VET unit.

Plan and organise group-based delivery TAADEL401B and
Facilitate group-based learning TAADEL402B

(TAE10 p.17)

Plan, organise and deliver group-based learning TAEDEL401A


Plan and organise assessment TAAASS401C

(TAE10 p.17)

Plan assessment activities and processes TAEASS401A

TAAASS401C plus TAAASS403B together exceed the requirements of the TAE unit.*

plus Develop assessment tools TAAASS403B

Assess competence TAAASS402C

(TAE10 p.17)

Assess competence TAEASS402A

Equivalent. The TAE10 Training Package, however, states that the required evidence must be "one unit of competence" (p.123).

Participate in assessment validation TAAASS404B

(TAE10 p.17)

Participate in assessment validation TAEASS403A


@ Only the core units need be mapped if we can use other units as electives.
* TAE10 (p.17) says that TAAASS401C (alone) is not equivalent but this seems to be an error. See its comments.



Mapping of BSZ98 to TAE10 Cert IV in Training and Assessment via TAA0
(Based on Training package mapping of equivalents)


According to the packages themselves and adjusting for a couple of mistakes, a BSZ student who can show that his/her skills are still current only has to:






TAE10 core units@


No equivalent


Use Training Packages to meet client needs TAADES401B

Not equivalent
(TAE10 p.18)

Use training packages and accredited courses to meet client needs TAEDES402A

Completely new unit. The whole unit is a gap.

Train small groups BSZ404A

Partial equivalence
(TAA04 p. 140)

Facilitate individual learningTAADEL403B  and Facilitate work-based learning TAADEL404B

(TAE10 p.17)

Plan, organise and facilitate learning in the workplace TAEDEL402A

Partially equivalent. Still needs to train individuals.

Plan and promote a training program BSZ405A

(TAA04 p. 140)

Design and develop learning programs TAADES402B

Not equivalent
(TAE10 p.17)

Design and develop learning programs TAEDES401A

To say not equivalent is a mistake. these are equivalent right through, if some of the evidence is a VET unit.

Plan a series of training sessions BSZ406A

(TAA04 p. 140)

Plan and organise group-based delivery TAADEL401B  and
Facilitate group-based learning TAADEL402B

(TAE10 p.17)

Plan, organise and deliver group-based learning TAEDEL401A


Plan assessment BSZ401A

(TAA04 p. 141)

Plan and organise assessment TAAASS401C

(TAE10 p.17)

Plan assessment activities and processes TAEASS401A

Partially equivalent. See footnote*

Gap relates to requirements for developing assessment tools.

Plan assessment BSZ401A

Only partial equivalence

plus Develop assessment tools TAAASS403B

Conduct assessment BSZ402A

(TAA04 p. 141)

Assess competence TAAASS402C

(TAE10 p.17)

Assess competence TAEASS402A#


Review assessment BSZ403A

Only partial equivalence (TAA04 p. 141)

Participate in assessment validation TAAASS404B

(TAE10 p.17)

Participate in assessment validation TAEASS403A

Not fully equivalent. The gap is validation. (Review is not the same as validation)

@ Only the core units need be mapped if we can use other BSZ units as electives.

* Re equivalence of TAAASS401C to the TAA04 version. According to TAE 10 (p.17), TAAASS401C is not equivalent. It seems that TAE10 made an error. (See its comments.) TAAASS401C Plan and organise assessment plus the TAA unit on developing assessment tools (TAAASS403B Develop assessment tools) exceeds the requirements of  the TAE unit.

# The TAE10 Training package states equivalent, although the required evidence must be "one unit of competence" (p.123).