Improved learning practice

BSBLED803 Implement improved learning practice
Replaces TAELED703A Implement improved learning practice

This unit is about initiating and implementing advanced learning practice to improve learning strategies in an organization.

The unit also covers the evaluation of ways to improve learning practice, how to manage and monitor the means to improve learning, and how to analyze and advance the adoption of improved learning practice.

It applies to leaders or individuals who use learning to build organisational capability. It focuses on using research, theoretical analysis and professional investigation to identify ways of improving learning practice and implementing appropriate pedagogy. Methods for improving learning practice include developing individual staff members from the perspective of the organisation's needs and imperatives, and enhancing outcomes for students.


How you will be assessed

You will be assessed through:



You will be assessed in the workplace as a safe place with suitable facilities and resources, policies and procedures, office equipment and office resources. You will need to show that you have:

  1. Evaluate and test approaches to learning practices including:
    1. review advances in learning practices
    2. determine contextual needs of relevant individuals
    3. ensure qualification requirements are met
  2. integrate current learning pedagogies including:
    1. learning styles
    2. learning strategies
  3. develop and research improved learning practices including:
    1. awareness of learner characteristics
    2. trialling new practices
    3. implementing a mentoring strategy.

As this unit is normally part of a major project, it will take place over an extended time, and cover a range and variety of complex situations.

Interview/assignment questions

  1. Describe contemporary policy and approaches to vocational learning and assessment.
  2. Explain in outline the following theories of learning:
    1. Social constructivism
    2. Cognitivism
    3. Experiential learning
    4. Behaviorism
  3. Of those theories, which are relevant to your program?
  4. How do you maintain student motiation?
  5. Explain these four learning styles:
    1. Activists
    2. Reflectors
    3. Theorists
    4. Pragmatists
  6. Explain how different teaching approaches can suit different learning styles. When might student learning styles be irrelevant?
  7. What are the differences between child learning and adult learning?
  8. Outline the instructional design principles you used in your project.
  9. What difference do instructional design principles make to improve teaching-learning practices?
  10. List a range of appropriate teaching-learning strategies and explain each one.
  11. List a range of assessment methods and the circumstances when each one is most suitable.
  12. What is the role of information and communication technology in learning and teaching?
  13. What are the limitations of information and communication technology in learning and teaching?
  14. List a range of training techniques that can be used to improve learning. For each one, explain the circumstances when it is useful.
  15. What are the similarities and differences between mentoring and coaching?
  16. What are your organization's requirements for delivery and assessment strategies?
  17. Where can you get resources and materials for teaching and learning?


Detailed requirements

1. Evaluate ways to improve learning practice.

  1. Review advances in learning practice within a given vocational, training, educational or content area
  2. Review and challenge existing learning practice to develop and test improved approaches
  3. Analyze interests, abilities, relationships and contextual needs of relevant individuals when promoting improved learning practice
  4. Research how a range of appropriate learning theories and instructional design principles can improve learning practice
  5. Ensure learning practice reflects qualification requirements for nominated qualification/s


2. Manage and monitor means to improve learning.

  1. Observe and assess learner styles with respect to appropriateness of current vocational, training and educational learning strategies
  2. Evaluate the role and impact of new technologies on learners and training techniques
  3. Plan improved learning practice based on how learners currently learn
  4. Plan improved learning practice based on experience and personal interests of the learner


3. Analyze and advance adoption of improved learning practices.

  1. Develop improved vocational, training and educational learning practice appropriate to learner characteristics
  2. Advocate for improved vocational, training and educational learning practice
  3. Initiate research into improved learning practice
  4. Design and test improved learning practice in real-world situations
  5. Mentor colleagues to promote improved learning practice