Debating ideas

BSBCRT401 Articulate, present and debate ideas.

This unit is about articulating, presenting and debating ideas using creative techniques in order to provoke response, reaction and critical discussion. These skills are useful for discussing new products, services, processes or creative works, and can involve some risk taking and storytelling.

How you will be assessed

You will be assessed through:

Specific documents Submit two essays of 2000 words each that use a logical system of discussion. Each must include sections where you repond to ideas with which you disagree.


Assignment/interview questions

  1. Explain different ways that peole receive and respond to ideas and information. What influences their response.
  2. What skills and attributes do people need to effectively discuss ideas.
  3. Describe the nature and role of risk taking when presenting and debating ideas.
  4. What are logical fallacies and how do you use them?
  5. What is Socratic questioning and how do you use it?
  6. Explain the role of storytelling in communicating ideas? and key storytelling techniques.
  7. In storytelling, what is the role of:
    1. Acting out the part
    2. Description
    3. Plot and climax
    4. Whose voice is speaking?
  8. Describe common techniques to tailor comments to particular audiences.

You will need to show that you can:

  1. Present ideas and information to an unfamiliar audience and environment that provoke interest and response.
  2. Reflect on and appraise the views of others.
  3. Participate actively and confidently in critical debate and discussion of ideas while responding to new and different communication situations.
  4. Investigate and evaluate creative and different ways of expressing and communicating ideas while making an opportunity pitch.

Note: Your assessor may also ask you a variety of what if questions.


Detailed requirements

1. Analyze ideas for communication to others.

  1. Distil key themes, messages and positions to aid in clarity of thought and presentation.
  2. Reflect on different ways of communicating ideas for different purposes and to different people.
  3. Identify the enabling skills and attributes of individuals who can effectively participate in discussions about ideas.

2. Provoke response and reaction.

  1. Explore and use different techniques to engage, fascinate and involve others in the process of communication and exchange.
  2. Explore the ways that storytelling can be used to communicate ideas.
  3. Create innovative approaches to different communication challenges.
  4. Be prepared to take risks in the way ideas are presented.
  5. Identify specific ways to provoke and encourage response in particular individuals or groups.

3. Debate and discuss ideas.

  1. Present and argue substantiated positions on ideas.
  2. Be open to critical analysis of your ideas and to the ideas of others.
  3. Identify and participate in conversations that challenge and explore different concepts and approaches and generate new ideas.
  4. Respond to questions about ideas with confidence and relevant information.
  5. Reflect on and appraise the views of others, and use to refine ideas and to embrace new ideas.