Creative collaboration

BSBCRT402 Collaborate in a creative process

This unit is about collaborating in a creative process. It applies to individuals who are involved in what is traditionally considered a creative endeavor but is also very important in broader business and community activities where creative team effort is highly valued.

How you will be assessed

You will be assessed through:



You will be assessed in the workplace as a safe environment. You will need to demonstrate consistent performance of typical activities in the creativity and innovation and will need access to a team of people in a collaborative creative process.

You will need to show that you can:

  1. Make a positive contribution to a collaborative creative process that generates, expands and develops ideas into a well-conceived solution.
  2. Reflect on and evaluate your role in the collaborative process.
  3. Identify and act on ways to enhance your ability to contribute effectively to a collaborative creative process.


Assignment/interview questions

  1. Outline the legal framework that applies to the creative process.
  2. Describe the concepts of trust and ethical behavior in the context of creative endeavor.
  3. Identify different roles people may play in a collaborative creative process and how these roles contribute to the overall effort.
  4. Describe how the potential for creativity can be maximized within a team.
  5. Explain barriers to creativity in a group environment.

Note: Your assessor may also ask you a variety of what if questions.


Detailed requirements

1. Enter into a collaborative creative process.

  1. Adopt a personal philosophy of trustworthy and ethical behavior.
  2. Maximize the possibilities of sustaining creative partnerships through trustworthy and ethical behavior.
  3. Use professional discretion and judgement in dealing with others.
  4. Acknowledge and respect the different ways that different people may contribute to the creative process.
  5. Acknowledge and work within the legal framework that applies to creative content as part of individual commitment to an ethical approach.
  6. Respect collaborative efforts by relinquishing individual ownership of ideas.

2 Engage in a collaborative creative process.

  1. Maintain a belief in personal ideas, combined with a willingness to move on as ideas are discarded and others evolve.
  2. Be prepared to let go of own vanity and ego to allow new ideas to emerge.
  3. Use language and adopt a demeanor that demonstrates respect and trust for others.
  4. Listen to, value, respect and trust the contributions of others as material to work with rather than positions to argue against.
  5. Challenge, test and share ideas in a supportive way as part of the creative process.
  6. Move on from initial positions and preconceptions to accept and embrace new and unpredictable ideas as they emerge during the creative process.
  7. Play a role that encourages the movement and shift of ideas within the group towards a well-conceived solution.

3 Reflect on your role in the collaborative creative process.

  1. Reflect on your level of participation, relationships with others and personal behavior in the collaborative process.
  2. Identify ways to do better next time and follow up on any issues that need to be resolved.
  3. Identify opportunities to refine and expand your skills and knowledge, including learning from failing.