Desktop publishing

BSBITU404 Produce complex desktop published documents.

This unit is about designing and producing complex desktop published documents.

How you will be assessed

You will be assessed through:

Specific documents Submit two essays of 2000 words each. One should be laid out as an academic article and the other as a magazine article.



You will be assessed in the workplace as a safe environment. You will need to demonstrate consistent performance of typical activities in IT, and will need access to your organization’s policies and procedures, relevant workplace documentation and resources, industry software packages, and user instructions.

You will need to show that you can:

  1. Follow your organization’s practices including:
    1. saftey
    2. ergonomic requirements.
    3. energy and resource conservation techniques.
  2. Follow your organization’s requirements for:
    1. Ensuring consistency of style and image.
    2. Logically sequencing data.
    3. Producing documents within designated timelines.
    4. Naming and storing documents.
  3. Follow task requirements when producing documents including:
    1. Applying consistent formatting.
    2. Using appropriates templates and master pages.
    3. Using appropriate color palettes.
    4. Using correct layouts.
    5. Providing bleed allowance.
    6. Meeting binding and finishing requirements.
  4. Resolve any issues including:
    1. Formatting issues.
    2. Errors and omissions.
    3. Problems with design and production.


Assignment/interview questions

  1. Outline various formatting styles. For each one, explain their effect on formatting, readability and appearance of documents.
  2. Explain your organization’s requirements for:
    1. ergonomics,
    2. work periods and breaks, and
    3. energy and resource conservation.
  3. What are the purposes, uses and functions of desktop publishing software?
  4. What is the purpose of an organizational style guide?
  5. What topics are usually covered in an organizational style guide?

Note: Your assessor may also ask you a variety of what if questions.


Detailed requirements

1. Prepare to produce desktop published documents.

  1. Use safe work practices, including ergonomic and organizing your work.
  2. Conserve energy and resources.
  3. Identify document purpose, audience, presentation and final output requirements, and clarify the with relevant personnel (e.g. client, supervisor) as required.
  4. Identify your organization’s and task requirements for desktop published documents to ensure consistency of style and image.

2. Design desktop published documents.

  1. Design documents to make them easier to read and to look good, according to your organization’s and task requirements.
  2. Determine the kind of document and assess production and design requirements.
  3. Set up and use master pages, templates and styles to ensure you have consistent design and layout.
  4. Set up color palettes according to your organization’s and task requirements.


3. Create desktop published documents.

  1. Prepare, format and enter required text.
  2. Import text from other applications and resolve any formatting issues.
  3. Scan or import graphics from other applications and resolve any formatting issues.
  4. Use complex software functions to arrange text and graphics on page, according to your organization’s and task requirements.

4. Finalize desktop published documents.

  1. Ensure pages and combined graphics and text are composed correctly, to suit your organization’s and task requirements.
  2. Check numerical sequencing and layout of document is correct, to meet binding and finishing requirements.
  3. Incorporate bleed allowance in margins and borders.

5. Produce desktop published documents.

  1. Review text for possible errors and omissions, and resolve any issues.
  2. Produce completed document in line with required final output.
  3. Name and store text documents, according to your organization’s requirements and exit application without information loss/damage.
  4. Prepare text documents within deadlines and your organization’s requirements for speed and accuracy.
  5. Use manuals, user documentation and online help to overcome problems with document design and production.