Leadership in ethical practice

BSBLDR806 Lead and influence ethical practice

This unit is about applying ethical leadership and taking responsibility for influencing ethical practice. It includes being an example of your organization’s values, embedding ethical practice into the organization's culture and processes, and promoting ethical leadership and decision making at all levels of the organization.

You can focus on the important issues, thinking them through, generating ideas, and solving them. Avoid unnecessary hair-spitting and the extremes of political correctness.


How you will be assessed


You will be assessed on the job in a management or leadership position, in a safe environment with access to:

You will be assessed through:

You will need to show that you have lead and influenced ethical practice in your organization, demonstrating a personal commitment to the professionalism, ethical values and principles of the organization, and encouraged others to do so:

  1. Research and maintain a high level of ethical expertise including interpreting complex ethical matters and give advice
  2. Report and deal with suspected unethical conduct confidentially and promptly
  3. Research, develop and implement policies and procedures for managing ethical practices in an organization
  4. Promote ethical leadership and decision making including giving leadership and reviewing ethical practices.


Interview/assignment questions


  1. What is the difference between legal and ethical requirements?
  2. Are ethics and morality the same thing? Explain your answer.
  3. What are the main ethical challeges in your industry area?
  4. What are the main ethical challeges in your organization?
  5. Explain your organization's ethical values and standards. What improvements would you suggest?
  6. What is the role of an organizational code of ethics/conduct?
  7. What is the role of the code of ethics/conduct in your organization? What improvements would you suggest?
  8. What is procedural fairness? How can it be incorporated into organizatonal procedures?
  9. What procedures, strategies or protocols can be used to identify and address unethical conduct?
  10. Make a list of legislation and other and regulations that affect your organization’s ethical work practices, and summarise the requirements of each.
  11. What court precedents (if any) affect your legislation compliance?
  12. Describe the main national and international trends in the development of ethical organizations.
  13. Describe a framework for making ethical decisions and solving ethical problems.
  14. Describe a framework for setting policy on ethical issues.

Note: Your assessor may also ask you a variety of what if questions.

About literature reviews


Detailed requirements

1. Be a personal example of ethical values. El 1/PC, RS O,In

  1. Consistently demonstrate your commitment to the professionalism, ethical values and principles of your organization in your personal dealings within it and on its behalf.
  2. Develop and maintain a high level of expertise in ethics and standards
    1. Promoting high ethical standards
    2. Giving advice
    3. Solving problems.
  3. Interpret complex ethical matters and give advice to resolve them. (Follow legislative, industry codes of practice and organizational standards.)
  4. Report suspected unethical conduct confidentially and promptly, and encourage people to deal with it.

2. Embed ethical practice into your organization's culture and processes. El 2/PC, RS O,In

  1. Identify strengths, weaknesses and threats to ethical conduct in the organization by analysing industry, state, national and international trends. Develop strategies to act on them according to your organization's practices and and industry practice.
  2. Analyze management and accountability structures in the organization and put strategies in place to ensure continuous improvement.
  3. Influence the development and review of policies and procedures to include and address ethical considerations.
  4. Develop and promote frameworks for ethical decision-making and policy setting.
  5. Analyse and develop policies and procedures to:
    1. allow individuals to safely report breaches of ethical conduct and
    2. remedy breaches of ethical conduct.

3. Promote ethical leadership and decision making at all levels of the organization. El 3/PC, RS O,In

  1. Foster dialogue on organizational values and ethics with and between staff to develop a strong understanding of and commitment to organizational standards.
  2. Give leadership and guidance to empower individuals and the organization to address ethical issues.
  3. Identify and refer organizational patterns, trends and issues that require ethical consideration by managers and staff for action.
  4. Promote and support leadership programs that promote ethical and values-based behaviour according to organizational requirements and the individual needs and capabilities of staff.

4. Other.

  1. Manage tasks and contingencies on the job
  2. See advanced case management ethics statement in book.


Code for unit reqts:
CA: Conditions of assessment
El/PC: Element & criteria
RE: Required evidence
RK: Required knowledge
RS: Required skills

Code for Foundation skills:
L: Learning
Id: Identify beliefs & thinking
R: Reading
W: Writing

N: Numeracy
O: Oral communication
N: Navigate world of work
In: Interact with others
G: Get work done