Workplace learning

BSBLED501 Develop a workplace learning environment

This unit is about encouraging and supporting development of a learning environment in that brings work and learning together. It particularly emphasizes the development of strategies to facilitate and promote learning and to monitor and improve learning performance.


How you will be assessed

You will be assessed through:



You will be assessed in a real situation on the job. It must be a safe environment with access to workplace policies and procedures, equipment and resources, and interaction with others.

You need to show that you have done the following:

  1. Collaboratively review performance development needs of individuals and teams
  2. Plan professional development for individuals and teams that enhances your organization’s performance
  3. Develop and implement learning plans
  4. Liaise with training and development specialists
  5. Recognize workplace achievement by giving feedback, recognition and rewards
  6. Monitor and improve workplace learning
  7. Record and report workplace learning outcomes.


Interview/assignment questions

  1. Explain how management of relationships can achieve a learning environment
  2. Identify principles and techniques involved in the management and organization of:
    1. Adult learning
    2. Coaching and mentoring
    3. Consultation and communication
    4. Improvement strategies
    5. Leadership
    6. Learning environment and learning culture
    7. Monitoring and reviewing workplace learning
    8. Problem identification and resolution
    9. Record keeping and management methods
    10. Structured learning
    11. Work-based learning.

Note: Your assessor may also ask you a variety of what if questions.


Detailed requirements

You must demonstrate consistent performance of typical activities in the field of this competency.

1. Create learning opportunities

  1. Identify potential formal and informal learning opportunities
  2. Identify learning needs of individuals in relation to the needs of the team and/or enterprise and available learning opportunities
  3. Develop and implement learning plans as an integral part of individual and team performance plans
  4. Develop strategies to ensure that learning plans reflect the diversity of needs
  5. Ensure your organization’s procedures maximize individual and team access to, and participation in, learning opportunities
  6. Ensure effective liaison occurs with training and development specialists and contributes to learning opportunities which enhance individual, team and your organization’s performance

2. Facilitate and promote learning

  1. Develop strategies to ensure that workplace learning opportunities are used and that team members are encouraged to share their skills and knowledge to encourage a learning culture within the team
  2. Implement your organization’s procedures to ensure workplace learning opportunities contribute to the development of appropriate workplace knowledge, skills and attitudes
  3. Implement policies and procedures to encourage team members to assess their own competencies and to identify their own learning and development needs
  4. Share the benefits of learning with others in the team and organization
  5. Recognize workplace achievement by timely and appropriate recognition, feedback and rewards

3. Monitor and improve learning effectiveness

  1. Use strategies to ensure that team and individual learning performance is monitored to determine the type and extent of any additional work-based support required and any Work Health and Safety (WHS) issues
  2. Use feedback from individuals and teams to identify and introduce improvements in future learning arrangements
  3. Make adjustments, negotiated with training and development specialists, for improvements to the efficiency and effectiveness of learning
  4. Use processes to ensure that records and reports of competency are documented and maintained within the organization ’s systems and procedures to inform future planning