Assessing client needs

CHCCCS004 Assess co-existing needs

This unit is about assessing people’s needs and determining what services they need, whether from inside or from outside your organization. It is normally part of the role of a case worker.


How you will be assessed

You will be assessed through:




You will be assessed in the workplace under typical workplace conditions and contingencies, including interactions with people with a range of needs, typical workplace reporting processes, and suitable facilities. It must also have equipment and resources, including:

  1. Your organization’s policies and procedures, including reporting procedures.
  2. Assessment tools and procedures
  3. Interactions with people with a range of needs
  4. The use of people’s information on which to base assessment
  5. Individualised plans and any relevant equipment outlined in the plan.


Assess at least three people presenting with co-existing needs and respond appropriately to their needs.

Show your assessor your workplace, the forms and procedures for doing assessment, and your records of three assessments. Explain how it works as you go. Your assessor may ask you any questions on how it works. Your organization will normally have a specific procedure for assessments. In each one, your assessment records need to show how you:



Interview/assignment questions

All RK

  1. What different types of assessment are there? Explain how each is used and the appropriate contexts for each.
  2. In your organization’s assessment process:
    1. What are the roles and responsibilities of different people involved in assessment?
    2. What is the impact of the setting on the assessment?
    3. What different kinds of assessment tools does your organization have? When would you most appropriately use each one?
    4. Explain three different ways of collecting information to be used in an assessment.
    5. In commuity services assessment, what is validity?
    6. In commuity services assessment, reliability?
    7. What requirements does your organization have for validity?
    8. What requirements does your organization have for reliability?
    9. How do you ensure the validity and reliability requirements?
    10. Explain your organization’s reporting requirements and format.
  3. Client groups face the effects of various kinds of problems or limitations. Explain each of the following and their effects:
    1. mental health
    2. alcohol and other drugs
    3. imprisonment
    4. child protection
    5. family violence
    6. homelessness
    7. poverty
    8. health
    9. age
    10. disability
    11. behaviours of concern
    12. employment
    13. culture and religion.
  4. Of those problems and limitations, explain the potential interrelationships between them.
  5. Community services organizations offer various kinds of services. Explain how services for each of the following works and the usual basic features:
    1. employment
    2. physical and mental health
    3. housing
    4. community support
    5. social inclusion
    6. education and training
    7. financial support.
  6. What other services do clients of your organization need? Explain their basic features.
  7. What networks and specialist services are available to you:
    1. In-house?
    2. Through external providers?
  8. Explain the following legal and ethical considerations relating to assessment processes:
    1. privacy, confidentiality and disclosure.
    2. duty of care.
    3. informed consent.
  9. What other legal and ethical considerations relate to assessment processes?

Note: Your assessor may also ask you a variety of what if questions.


Detailed requirements

1. Prepare for the assessment.RWO

El/PC 1

  1. Identify and prepare assessment tools and processes according to your organization's policy and procedures.
  2. Gather existing information about the person.
  3. Ask for any other information you need from specialists and other sources to determine the range of issues that might be affecting the person.
  4. Organize practical aspects of the assessment in consultation with the person being assessed.
  5. Inform the person about the assessment process and get their consent.


2. Analyse the person's needs using a collaborative approach.O, In

El/PC 2

  1. Work within the scope of your role and ask for help from colleagues and experts as required.
  2. Empower the person to identify and prioritize their own needs.
  3. Evaluate needs based on a full range of relevant information.
  4. Identify and analyse complex, multiple and interrelated issues.
  5. Evaluate issues of urgency and eligibility.
  6. Assess potential risk factors for service delivery.


3. Determine appropriate services.O, In


  1. Consider service delivery and referral options from a strengths-based perspective.
  2. Evaluate your organization’s internal capability and the capability other service networks to determine best fit for the person.
  3. Inform the person and support them to make their own decision.
  4. Encourage them to advocate on their own behalf to access services.


4. Write your report.W, O, In


  1. Write the outcomes of the assessment process according to your organization's procedures.
  2. Maintain and store the person’s information according to according to confidentiality requirements.
  3. Give the person’s information to other services according to consent and confidentiality requirements.


5. Evaluate assessment and referral processes. O, In


  1. Ask for feedback about assessment processes from the person and other networks.
  2. Monitor processes and their outcomes in terms of whether they are successful in meeting the person’s needs.
  3. Routinely ask for feedback and reflect on your performance.
  4. Use feedback and your own evaluation as a basis for improving processes.


6. Other.

CA other

  1. Manage tasks and contingencies on the job
  2. Follow Commonwealth and State/Territory legislation, Australian/New Zealand standards, and industry codes of practice.


Code for unit reqts:
CA: Conditions of assessment
El/PC: Element & criteria
RE: Required evidence
RK: Required knowledge
RS: Required skills

Code for Foundation skills:
L: Learning
Id: Identify beliefs & thinking
R: Reading
W: Writing
N: Numeracy
O: Oral communication
N: Navigate world of work
In: Interact with others
G: Get work done