Graduate Diploma of Management (Learning)

Organization ACAS Centre
Program purpose To enable prospective school leaders to improve the quality of school education
Open to the general public? No
Current availability for new applicants Currently available In Indonesian.
Current version BSB80120 - Graduate Diploma of Management (Learning)
Units Core units
BSBHRM613 Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation
TAELED803 Implement improved learning practice
Elective units
BSBCRT611 Apply critical thinking for complex problem solving
BSBHRM611 Contribute to organisational performance development
BSBINS603 Initiate and lead applied research
BSBLDR601 Lead and manage organisational change
BSBPMG631 Manage program delivery
Language of instruction English or Bahasa Indonesia
Brief job description of what a graduate will be able to do Prospective head of learning area, assistant principal or principal overseeing improvement of teaching-learning performance.
Pathways after graduation Master or doctoral qualifications
Equipment that students must provide Compuer with software and internet access
Pre-requisites Academic prerequisites: None
Any specific prerequisites: Position in an educational institution appropriate to this Graduate Diploma
English language requirements required for admission: Fluent if done in English, otherwise fluent in Bahasa Indonesia
Literacy skills required for admission: Advanced, suitable for educational leadership
Numeracy skills required for admission: N/a
Address C/- ACAS center
How it is taught (delivery method) Online via zoom
Arrangements for work placement Students to arrange in own institution
When and how students are assessed Practical application is a system of continual assessment, and the major assessment is a thesis done as a practical project in the student's own school.
Student fees TBA
Any specific payment arrangements TBA
Students may not pay more than $1500 in advance.
How many semesters Two, plus thesis project
Schedule Two online Zoom sessions each week of semester
Average time needed each week: 6 hours (plus practical)
Contact Name: Dr. Ross Woods
Email: ross.woods1954(at)gmail(dot)com