Diploma of Christian Ministry and Theology

Organization Australian School of Ministry
Program purpose Equipping Christians for ministry
Open to the general public? Yes
Current availability for new applicants Not currently available.
Current version 11238NAT
Units Requirements comprise both core units and eight electives, consisting of:
• at least three units from the group Scripture and Theology
• at least three units from the group Ministry and Formation
• up to two units from any endorsed Training Package or accredited course that are relevant to the ministry outcome.
• These refer to the total range of electives. However, only a certain number will be offere to any one cohort.
• Students who have completed relevant Catholic Education units elsewhere may transfer them to replace Ministry and formation units.
Core units
NAT11238001 Apply advanced knowledge of the Bible
NAT11238002 Compare and explain Christian beliefs and practices
Elective units in Scripture and Theology
NAT11238003 Research and present a biblical theme
NAT11237002 Interpret biblical texts
NAT11238004 Develop and apply knowdge of church history
NAT11238005 Develop and apply knowledge of church, liturgy and sacraments
NAT11237005 Apply Christian ethics to contemporary issues
NAT11238006 Analyse and compare worldviews and world religions
NAT11238007 Explain and discuss the person and work of the Holy Spirit
Elective units group B: Ministry and Formation
NAT11238008 Develop self-awareness
NAT11238009 Provide leadership in a Christian organisation
NAT11238010 Develop and implement ministry programs
NAT11238011 Prepare and lead worship
NAT11238012 Manage resources and risk in a ministry context
NAT11238013 Plan to initiate a new church
NAT11238014 Lead a process of Christian discipleship
NAT11237011 Prepare and preach a sermon
NAT11237012 Develop own leadership skills
BSBTWK502 Manage team effectiveness
PSPGEN098 Deal with conflict
PSPGEN115 Uphold and support inclusive workplace practices
CHCGRP002 Plan and conduct group activities
CHCCCS017 Provide loss and grief support
CHCPAS003 Plan for the provision of pastoral and spiritual care
CHCPAS004 Provide pastoral and spiritual care
CHCCCS007 Develop and implement service programs
CHCVOL003 Recruit, induct and support volunteers
SIRXOSM007 Manage risk to organisational reputation in an online setting
Language of instruction English
Brief job description of what a graduate will be able to do Communicate Biblical concepts clearly
Apply ministry principles to church and community needs
Pathways after graduation Diploma graduate can continue to a Bachelor’s Degree
Equipment that students must provide Computer, tablet or smart phone, Bible
Pre-requisites Academic prerequisites: None
Any specific prerequisites: None
English language requirements required for admission: Basic speaking and writing
Literacy skills required for admission: Year 10 English
Numeracy skills required for admission: N/a
Address 110 Nollamara Avenue, Nollamara, WA 6061
How it is taught (delivery method) Online and at classroom at Menora Church
Arrangements for work placement Seek placements through church and network announcements
When and how students are assessed Tests, papers, online quizzes, presentations and practicum projects throughout the course
Student fees $6,000 ($750 per unit)
ACA Membership $120 PA
Application Fee $150
Any specific payment arrangements Monthly or weekly
Students may not pay more than $1500 in advance
How many semesters Two semesters full-time or four semesters part-time
Schedule 15 weeks per semester, two semesters per year
Average time needed each week: 20 hours
Contact Name: Natanael Costea
Email: ausperanta@gmail.com
Website: asom.org.au (Link opens new window.)