Graduate Diploma of Christian Ministry and Theology

Organization Australian School of Ministry
Program purposes - a deep understanding of the Bible and its strategic application
- an increased capacity to hear from God and follow His leading
- a holistic understanding of theological and doctrinal concepts
- capacity to lead, teach and engage in ministry leading and equipping
- opportunities for development in specialised marketplace ministry
Open to the general public? Yes
Current availability for new applicants Currently available
Current version 11232NAT
Units This qualification requires eight units:
• at least six units selected from the listed electives below, including
  • at least one unit from the group: Advanced research in Christian Ministry and Theology
  • at least two units from the group Scripture and Theology
  • at least two units from the group Ministry and Formation
• Up to two units selected from any endorsed Training Package or accredited course that are relevant to the ministry outcome.
• This refers to the total range of electives. However, only a certain number will be offere to any one cohort.
Advanced research in Christian ministry and theology
NAT11232001 Conduct and apply advanced research in ministry and theology
NAT11232002 Conduct and apply advanced research in Christian ethics
NAT11232003 Initiate and lead applied research in Christian ministry
Scripture and Theology
NAT11232004 Analyse biblical texts using recognised methods of biblical interpretation
NAT11232005 Analyse worldviews and world religions
NAT11231001 Examine and compare Scripture and theology
NAT11231002 Analyse and apply Christian doctrine
NAT11231003 Lead ethical practice in a Christian ministry context
Ministry and formation NAT11231004 Lead the mission of a Christian organisation
NAT11231005 Lead and enable Christian ministry
CHCPRP001 Develop and maintain networks and collaborative partnerships
CHCPRP006 Lead own professional development
PSPGEN117 Implement and manage diversity and inclusion strategies
BSBSTR601 Manage innovation and continuous improvement
BSBLDR811 Lead strategic transformation
Implementation as subjects
Bible doctrines
OT & NT Overview
Apostolic ministry
Christian living
Biblical interpretation & preaching
Outreach and mission
Leadership principles and network development
Language of instruction English
Brief job description of what a graduate will be able to do This program prepares Christian workers for leadership roles in churches and other ministry organizations. It is intended for those either preparing for ministry leadership or already in ministry and persuing mid-career professional development.
Pathways after graduation Students may continue to the Master of Arts in Christian Studies from Wοrldwide Uniνersity, Arizοna, USΑ.
Students who have met all MA requirements may apply to continue to the Wοrldwide Uniνersity PhD.
Equipment that students must provide Laptop, tablet or desktop computer with good internet access and suitable software (browser, word processor, etc.)
A cellphone may be used but is not not satisfactory for all tasks.
Pre-requisites Completion of a course or demonstration of equivalent competency at Advanced Diploma or bachelor degree level.
English language requirements required for admission: Advanced diploma or Bachelor level, if done in English.
Literacy skills required for admission: Advanced diploma or Bachelor level
Numeracy skills required for admission: N/a
Address Online - study anytime, anywhere, online with video content
How it is taught (delivery method) Online - study anytime, anywhere, online with video content
Arrangements for work placement Students must already be in a ministry position
When and how students are assessed Continual assessment during the program
Student fees $750 per unit x 8 units = $6,000 for full course
Weekly payment options available, $150 application fee, $150 graduation fee and $120 ACA Annual Membership fee
Any specific payment arrangements Payments by bank transfer to local coordinator
Students may not pay more than AUD$1,500 in advance
Contact Name: Natanael Costea
Website: ASOM (Link opens new window.)