Children with additional needs

Plan and implement inclusion of children with additional needs CHCIC512A

This unit is about caring for a range of children to identify those with additional needs such as:

  • Physical, sensory or developmental disability
  • Behavioural or psychological disorders
  • Family circumstances and needs
  • Health problems, including those that are not diagnosed.
  • Cultural/religious practices
  • Giftedness
  • Their culture is different from the culture of the centre, including those recently arrived in Australia from a very different culture
  • They have suffered dislocation or experienced torture and/or trauma
  • They are at risk of harm or illness.


Assessment task

1. Identify children with additional needs

  • Check that you have firm observational information to support your actions.
  • Discuss concerns with others to develop a clear understanding of a particular child's needs and use this information to plan a suitable response

2. Write a plan for inclusion

3. Consult and negotiate with all those working with the child (staff, parents, etc)

3. Implement strategies to meet the child's additional needs

4. Consult with others about ongoing issues that arise

5. Monitor and review strategies