
The grounds of a child care centre must be fully enclosed as per state/territory regulations. Inspection of boundary fences should be part of the centre’s daily safety check.

Water trolley

This damaged water trolley is a hazard. It needs removing and repairing as the bent leg could break. When the water trolley is fixed and in use again, any children involved in water play would need to be highly supervised.

If you go inside for lunch or to rest, the water should be emptied out of the water trolley and new water put in when it is time to use it again. Water left sitting still in the sun can breed dangerous bacteria, so you should change the water regularly to reduce this hazard.

Wheel toys

Wheel toys are low risk areas. However, be aware that children who are just beginning to walk will need assistance.


Any glazed area accessible to children must be safely glazed in accordance with Australian Standards, or requires guard rails or barriers to prevent a child striking or falling against the glass.


Sandpits must be covered at night and raked regularly to dispose of any animal faeces, other contaminants or potentially dangerous objects.

This age group requires supervision in the sandpit to ensure they play with the sand and sand toys appropriately. Sand can scratch the eye and cause serious injury.