Planning for different groups of children

Play and physical activities provided should reflect the diversity of culture, gender and abilities of the children.

All experiences must be inclusive in nature. Being inclusive means you are ensuring that all the children in your care are purposely included in your planned experiences. If there is bias in any way to any group within society it is to be discouraged.

Children learn many of their attitudes and prejudices by watching others. By always having a positive approach towards others and an inclusive attitude when you are providing your experiences, you are acting as a good role model for the children in your care – one that holds no prejudices.

If the experience you have chosen cannot be done by ALL children in the specified age group, then you need to consider modifications so that it can be.

When you hear the term inclusive it refers to everyone who exists. People take many different approaches to life. The diagram below shows the many factors that can cause differences between yourself and other people.

Sometimes members of the community have biases against people who differ from themselves. By looking at the world through someone else's eyes you may find it easier to be understanding towards their ideas and lifestyles.

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Roll over each of the factors in the diagram below to read how they may affect your own and other people's lifestyles and opinions.

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