
Attitudes toward Teaching

(c) Copyright administered by New Tribes Mission, Australia

Attitudes Toward Method

The U.S. glorifies technical teaching. What is the Indians attitude? Do they want that type of teaching just for prestige - that is classroom teaching. How do they sit in meetings?

Do they discuss or lecture? What other ways do they teach? What do they think about it?

Attitude toward teachers

What is the status of recognized teachers?

Kami - spiritual teachers were respected.

Tiv - Mbatsav was respected and paid.

Recognized Goals

What are their goals? "If you learn you'll be ". "If you don't learn, you'll be ...".

"John, you just don't want to be a dum clock." "If you don't apply yourself you'll be a ...".

Do they spell out goals to pupils? How clearly? How often? Is goal given first, the cost of not reaching it, and then practical teaching? What's used to motivate learning? Fear? Reward?