
(c) Copyright administered by New Tribes Mission, Australia

All peoples have 'knowledge' that makes it possible for them to live together where they are. This should produce respect on our part and a willingness to learn from them.

Cultures generally have some kind of belief in supernatural powers . The supernatural is vitally important to us, although we tend not to want to learn about their 'spiritual' lives, and only want to teach them our beliefs. 

The problem in assuming this attitude is misunderstanding:

  • We need to avoid syncretism; they take things they think are similar in their beliefs and in our beliefs and make them identical.
  • In translating Biblical ideas into their religious vocabulary we need to be careful, for example, "God, "Spirit".
  • In teaching, we need to be able to contrast their beliefs with Christianity and point out clearly the difference. For example, if they have a ceremony of 'ritual washing' , hat about baptism?

Worldview is very abstract in comparison with material culture. It is difficult to find out what these people believe about life and the after-life', and is not gained by direct questioning, but rather by drawing common denominators. When difficulties arise, don't take time to find out all this first.