Centre office: Draft revised job descriptions
Principal: Chief Executive Officer
- Responsible to Board
- Work with Board and senior staff to ensure ACAS has strategic and operational planning in place
- Be the legally responsible person for ASQA
- Oversee employees and maintain employment contracts
- Onsite presence in the office – maintain a neat and presentable office
- Responsible for liaison with the Board to continue registration with WA dept of commerce and ACNC
- Handling compliance and program inquiries about database and student management
- Assess new applicants to become auspicies
- Handling enquiries and complaints
- Oversee finances and billing
- Oversee bookkeeper
Database operator
- Handle applications and enrollments
- Handle database inquiries
- Do Centrelink compliance checking
- Graduations
- Reporting to NCVER
- Reporting to state governments
- Reporting to ASQA
Academic Dean
- Oversee compliance:
- Systems compliance and auditablity
- Staff qualifications
- Submit ASQA forms to maintain scope and currency of qualifications
- Manage client relations
- Visit member colleges and schools
- Relate to prospective auspicees, including signing contracts
- Website, including backup materials
- Course review and validations, including processing feedback
- Centrelink
- Register qualifications for Austudy
- Issue student enrollment letters
- Training requirements for TAE, RPL
- Handling compliance and program inquiries about individual qualifications and government compliance regulations
- Moving toward a remote access role, without necessary office presence
Assistant principal
- Coach database operator to use bookkeeping software to do bookkeeping
- Coach database operator to do all PowerPro tasks, including government reporting (Note: PowerPro is also available for assistance.)
- Give feedback on any changes to the compliance system. Be available to give any administrative support as requested
- May not make any undertakings on behalf of ACAS
- Oversee data backups
- Assist in following up bad/slow debts
- May be called Assistant to the Principal in correspondence
- Maintain all financial books to auditor-ready stage for annual audit
- Process incoming invoices (e.g. pay bills, reimbursements)
- Process outgoing invoices
- Follow up unpaid invoices (slow/bad debts receivable)
- Pay superannuation contributions
- Bank reconciliation
- All taxation matters:
- Fill in BAS statements for ATO
- End of year PAYG Group Certificates
- Provide reports for Principal, Treasurer, Board and AGM e.g
- Balance sheet
- P&L
- Cash flow
- Details of slow/bad debts
- Process DGR proposals, disbursements, and acquittals
- Work with database manager to ensure payment policies are followed
- Enable Principal, Treasurer, and Board to make financial management decisions on (e.g. identify patterns, answer specific questions)
- Liaise with auditors
- Ensure all data is secure
- Keep procedures under ongoing review. If requested, suggest improvement in policies to the board