Centre office: Draft revised job descriptions

Principal: Chief Executive Officer

  1. Responsible to Board
  2. Work with Board and senior staff to ensure ACAS has strategic and operational planning in place
  3. Be the legally responsible person for ASQA
  4. Oversee employees and maintain employment contracts
  5. Onsite presence in the office – maintain a neat and presentable office
  6. Responsible for liaison with the Board to continue registration with WA dept of commerce and ACNC
  7. Handling compliance and program inquiries about database and student management
  8. Assess new applicants to become auspicies
  9. Handling enquiries and complaints
  10. Oversee finances and billing
  11. Oversee bookkeeper

Database operator

  1. Handle applications and enrollments
  2. Handle database inquiries
  3. Do Centrelink compliance checking
  4. Graduations
  5. Reporting to NCVER
  6. Reporting to state governments
  7. Reporting to ASQA

Academic Dean

  1. Oversee compliance:
    1. Systems compliance and auditablity
    2. Staff qualifications
  2. Submit ASQA forms to maintain scope and currency of qualifications
  3. Manage client relations
    1. Visit member colleges and schools
    2. Relate to prospective auspicees, including signing contracts
  4. Website, including backup materials
  5. Course review and validations, including processing feedback
  6. Centrelink
    1. Register qualifications for Austudy
    2. Issue student enrollment letters
  7. Training requirements for TAE, RPL
  8. Handling compliance and program inquiries about individual qualifications and government compliance regulations
  9. Moving toward a remote access role, without necessary office presence

Assistant principal

  1. Coach database operator to use bookkeeping software to do bookkeeping
  2. Coach database operator to do all PowerPro tasks, including government reporting (Note: PowerPro is also available for assistance.)
  3. Give feedback on any changes to the compliance system. Be available to give any administrative support as requested
  4. May not make any undertakings on behalf of ACAS
  5. Oversee data backups
  6. Assist in following up bad/slow debts


  1. May be called Assistant to the Principal in correspondence
  2. Maintain all financial books to auditor-ready stage for annual audit
  3. Process incoming invoices (e.g. pay bills, reimbursements)
  4. Process outgoing invoices
  5. Follow up unpaid invoices (slow/bad debts receivable)
  6. Pay superannuation contributions
  7. Bank reconciliation
  8. All taxation matters:
    1. Fill in BAS statements for ATO
    2. End of year PAYG Group Certificates
  9. Provide reports for Principal, Treasurer, Board and AGM e.g
    1. Balance sheet
    2. P&L
    3. Cash flow
    4. Details of slow/bad debts
  10. Process DGR proposals, disbursements, and acquittals
  11. Work with database manager to ensure payment policies are followed
  12. Enable Principal, Treasurer, and Board to make financial management decisions on (e.g. identify patterns, answer specific questions)
  13. Liaise with auditors
  14. Ensure all data is secure
  15. Keep procedures under ongoing review. If requested, suggest improvement in policies to the board