
Jarrad, one of the children at Cybertots, is allergic to nuts. He can have an anaphylactic attack within seconds just by touching or tasting any nut products, such as peanut butter.


The centre has established guidelines for managing children’s medical conditions. This includes developing a Medical Action Plan (MAP) for each affected child which spells out step by step exactly what needs to happen in a medical emergency. A MAP is based on an emergency plan put together by a health professional, eg the family doctor, and given to the child’s family. The parents would make copies of this plan and give them to anyone who has Jarrad in their care, so they can follow the plan exactly and know what to do.

To remind staff of Jarrad’s medical condition, and also to help alert any new or relief staff, a photo of Jarrad and a statement that clearly explains his allergy have been posted on the main board in the staff room. Attached to this is Jarrad’s Medical Action Plan. This MAP will also be in Jarrad’s records/file.

Jarrad’s parents have left an EpiPen (an injection of adrenaline) at Cybertots to be used if he has an anaphylactic attack. The EpiPen is kept in a safe and accessible place in the first aid box - out of reach of the children but easily retrieved by staff. All qualified staff have completed extra training in how to use the EpiPen, and unqualified staff know what to do to support them.

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Research Anaphylaxis on the internet to find out the most up to date information on its management.

Do there seem to be differing opinions? Is the information the same in different countries? Write a summary in your notebook.


A child may need to be given medication whilst at Cybertots. There is no room for error in handling and administering medications, so the centre has a policy for staff to follow. Read the Immunisation, medication and management of illness policy in the Intranet and then try the activity below.

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Whose role is it to administer medication at Cybertots?

How should medication be stored?

What should a staff member check before administering medication?

After giving medication, what should a staff member do?

To make sure you have completed all the activities for this section, you can use the Activity Checklist (Word 79Kb). You can print the checklist to keep in your notebook.