Working safely
What types of accidents occur in the child care industry?
Ryan is the Occupational Health and Safety rep at Cybertots. He and the director Alison, have organised to discuss some recent workplace accidents at the upcoming staff meeting. The meeting is doubling as a 'safety committee' meeting, since all the staff at Cybertots are part of the safety committee.
Alison, Ryan, Sara, Patricia, Susan and Nicole are attending the meeting. Karen and Salwa can't attend - you'll find out why later on.
Before you continue, read the agenda for the staff meeting below.
What should Nicole have done when Louise had her accident?
There are several things she should have done, including telling her supervisor and recording it in the incident book. She could also have added it to the agenda for this meeting.
Read the Occupational Health and Safety Policy on the Cybertots Intranet. You could also look at the general Safety Policy. Write your answers to the following questions in your notes:
- How will Cybertots staff be supported in terms of stress levels?
- Who will not be excluded from the centre?
- What will injured workers be supplied with?