Free from personal feelings or bias.
Something aimed at; or goal/free from personal feelings or bias. Unbiased.
The act of noticing or watching: for scientific or other purposes.
Someone watching or observing, rather than participating in, an activity.
Occasional Care
A child care service that is used by parent(s)/guardian(s) when 'once-off' or occasional care is needed - for example, two hours only during the week.
Occupational Health and Safety
A broad term that describes all health and safety issues that relate to a workplace. Also referred to as OH&S and OS&H.
Open questions
Questions that enable the responder to answer freely. For example, "What are your dreams for the future?"
Operational Subsidy
Fee relief available from government.
Make the most of, or make larger.
The most favourable point.
Something that results from something, a consequence.
Outside School Hours Care
Care provided for school aged children (5 - 12 yrs) during outside school hours in the term time and during vacation time.
Outside School Hours Care Room
Specific room at Cybertots for school aged children to attend for before and after school care as well as vacation care.
To be overcome.