Click on the appropriate letter to find the word you're looking for.
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- Objective
- Free from personal feelings or bias.
- Objectives
- Something aimed at; or goal/free from personal feelings or bias. Unbiased.
- Observation
- The act of noticing or watching: for scientific or other purposes.
- Observer
- Someone watching or observing, rather than participating in, an activity.
- Occasional Care
- A child care service that is used by parent(s)/guardian(s) when 'once-off' or occasional care is needed - for example, two hours only during the week.
- Occupational Health and Safety
- A broad term that describes all health and safety issues that relate to a workplace. Also referred to as OH&S and OS&H.
- Open questions
- Questions that enable the responder to answer freely. For example, "What are your dreams for the future?"
- Operational Subsidy
- Fee relief available from government.
- Optimise
- Make the most of, or make larger.
- Optimum
- The most favourable point.
- Outcomes
- Something that results from something, a consequence.
- Outside School Hours Care
- Care provided for school aged children (5 - 12 yrs) during outside school hours in the term time and during vacation time.
- Outside School Hours Care Room
- Specific room at Cybertots for school aged children to attend for before and after school care as well as vacation care.
- Overwhelming
- To be overcome.