About Cybertots


Philosophy & Goals

Philosophy and goals

Cybertots philosophy for quality care
(Developed by Cybertots families and staff)

Cybertots Child Care Service aims to meet the needs of children and their families within the community.

Children have the right to grow within a healthy, safe and stimulating environment. This environment should be one that is free from bias, and one that facilitates the development of respect for others and surrounds.

Through respecting others the young people will appreciate diversity within the community and society in general. At Cybertots a supportive caring structure will exist so that children and their families will gain understanding for others' beliefs and values.

Through a team approach children, families, staff and management will design programs that encourage the development of problem solving skills to enhance learning across all areas. The program will provide opportunities for solitary play and group play. By providing children with choices the program will foster a stimulating and fun atmosphere.

Short term goals will be based on individuals, and the experiences provided will be according to their interests and needs. These goals will centre on the various areas of development:

Long term goals have been derived from this philosophy and give a more in-depth view of how Cybertots will work towards maintaining its philosophy.

Cybertots goals for quality care
(Developed together by Cybertots families and staff)




