What happens next?

Did you know?

When dealing with a situation like this, you should use effective communication techniques such as listening and questioning.

Before Alison meets with Owen's mum to try to sort out the situation, she locates a copy of the parenting order for Owen. Alison has to make sure that Cybertots is complying with lawful instructions in this situation. A copy of this order is below.

Parenting order (Word 60Kb)

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Alison is going to begin by welcoming Owen's mum, and invite her into the office to discuss the matter of taking Owen home. She will use effective communication techniques such as listening and questioning as she deals with the situation.

What else is Alison doing by ensuring this conversation takes place in private?

If you said something like "Considering Mrs Forbes' feelings", you're correct.


Think about the communication techniques Alison uses here.

Did you notice how Alison listened to Mrs Forbes and offered empathy for her situation? She then politely suggested that they go to the office and talk about the situation, which Owen's mum agreed to.