Guiding children's behaviour
Policy Statement
At Cybertots Child Care Centre we will provide a healthy, safe and stimulating environment that facilitates the development of respect for others and surrounds whilst supporting individual self-esteem.
Through respecting others, the young people will appreciate diversity within the community and society in general. At Cybertots a supporting caring structure will exist so the children and their families will gain an understanding for each others beliefs and values.
- Philosophy - to promote respect for others and surrounds
- Legislation - adhere to state regulations
- Childs needs - to have their feelings acknowledged and accepted and be able to express their emotions appropriately
- to be valued and respected as an individual
- consistent expectations
- clear guidelines about acceptable behaviour.
- Parent needs - involvement in determining appropriate strategies for dealing with poor behaviour
- avenues of support for parenting skills; through staff communication in a non-judge mental manner
- provision of training to deal appropriately with children's behaviour issues, and to ensure that programs are providing for the children's daily needs.
- Staff needs - support from parents and management in dealing with children displaying difficult behaviour
- appropriately trained staff with an adequate budget to sustain these considerations.
- Management needs - support from relevant agencies and professionals to make appropriate decisions in the best interests of the individual child and other children at Cybertots.
How Policy will be implemented (Specific Policies and Procedures):
- Clear guidelines about acceptable behaviour will be developed with input from children, parents, staff and management. Parents/guardians will be made aware of expected child behaviour at the centre via the Cybertots Intranet.
- Limits to behaviour will be clearly expressed in positive terms and reinforced consistently in a developmentally appropriate way.
- The physical environment and material possessions will also be acknowledged as areas that deserve respect. These at no time will be promoted above people.
- Promotion of a respectful centre within the community which will be proactive against socially inappropriate behaviour. The use of continued respectful and empathetic approaches in times of need will be endorsed.
- Consistency of the above behaviour guidance technique will be promoted across the entire service as well as to families.
- Children will be encouraged to settle their differences in a peaceful manner.
- Role modelling is considered an influential tool in facilitating learning of young people, thus the team will maintain interactions honestly and positively.
- All Cybertots staff will use voice intonations, facial expressions and explanations as methods of discipline used to encourage desired behaviour. Shouting at children unless for emergency situations should be avoided. Positive behaviour will be encouraged by diverting children to more appropriate activities, showing appreciation for appropriate behaviour and building on each child's strengths and achievements.
- No child will receive any form of corporal humiliating or frightening punishment at Cybertots. This includes punishment such as a smack, being placed in a room alone, being made immobile, being frightened, humiliated or intimidated in any way.
- Parents who wish to discipline their own child/children whilst at Cybertots will not at any time use any form of corporal punishment or use unacceptable language.
- Parent/guardians will not be permitted to discipline any other children in the centre.
- If children consistently display unacceptable behaviour, the Team Leader at Cybertots will ensure:
- the expectations of the child's behaviour are realistic and appropriate to their developmental level
- the child understands the limits
- there is no conflict between Cybertots and home expectations
- the child's needs are being provided for
- the child has no impediments that may cause the unacceptable behaviour
- the child isn't copying observed behaviour
- events at Cybertots have not encouraged the behaviour
- consequences of the behaviour do not encourage it to persist
- strategies are consistently followed by all play leaders in contact with the child.
- The Co-coordinator/Supervisor at Cybertots is available to discuss and assist with any concern a parent/guardian or play leader may have in respect of a child's behaviour or participation in the program.
- A "Behaviour Management Program" will be designed with the family of the child.
- If the unacceptable behaviour persists, the Cybertots Coordinator/Supervisor and with the parent/guardian will seek advice from an appropriate agency or professional.