Policy statement:
The centre aims to promote a healthy environment in which children will grow and learn about the world around them. The application of preventative measures through an infection control process aims to prevent the spread of infections and will be followed by all people in the child care centre at all times.
- Philosophy - Children to develop to their full potential in a safe, healthy and caring environment.
- Legislation - This will vary from Sate to State and be dependent upon current Legislation.
- Children’s needs - Protection from infection, clean hygienic environment, instruction about personal hygiene, appropriate clothing, developmental opportunities.
- Parents needs - To feel confident that their child's health and well being and development is assured.
- Staff needs - Protection from infection, clean hygienic environment, appropriate equipment to ensure high level of hygiene, clear guidelines in relation to their duty of care.
- Management - Staff to maintain appropriate levels of hygiene and cleanliness to meet required standards; parents to co-operate in keeping sick and infectious children away from the centre.
- Hand washing is considered to be the most effective way of controlling infection in the centre. Caregivers and children should wash their hands:
- when arriving at the centre to reduce the introduction of germs
- before all "clean" tasks eg handling and preparing food and eating
- after all "dirty" tasks eg nappy changing, toileting, cleaning up faeces, vomit or blood, wiping a nose, playing outside, handling animals
- before going home to prevent taking germs home.
- The laundry area will include a washing machine, trough, hot water supply and sink. The centre will ensure that hand washing facilities are easily accessible to children.
- Notices which clearly explain effective hand washing procedures will be displayed next to hand washing basins.
- Staff will use separate cloths or tissues to wipe different children's faces and noses. Tissues will be disposed of immediately after wiping a child's nose and staff will wash own hands.
- Each child will have their own bedding which will be stored separately and be washed at least once a week or after soiling.
- Toys will be washed in hot soapy water and one criterion for selecting new toys will be their ease to clean. The sharing of toys will be limited when children are not toilet trained and are still mouthing to reduce the spread of infection.
- Surfaces will be cleaned with detergent after each activity and all surfaces cleaned thoroughly daily. Floors in the all rooms will be washed each day. Areas contaminated with body fluids will be disinfected with 1:20 bleach solution after washing.
- Bottles, dummies and teats will be cleaned after each use. Dummies and Teats will be stored in individual containers.
- Each child will be provided with their own drinking and eating utensils at each mealtime. These utensils will be washed after each use. Staff will encourage children not to use drinking or eating utensils which have been used by another child or dropped on the floor.
- Staff will ensure that children do not eat food that has been handled by another child or that has been dropped on the floor.
- The rules of hygiene will be included in the child's program and staff will initiate discussion about these subjects with groups and individual children at appropriate times.
- Information on hygiene principles and practices will be displayed in the reception area and drawn to the attention of all parents on a regular basis.
- Any animal or bird kept at or visiting the centre will be kept in an area that is separate and apart from any area used by children and will be maintained in a clean and healthy condition. Children will be supervised by an adult during contact with animals and discouraged from putting their faces close to animals. Children will wash their hands after touching animals.
- All staff will ensure that every effort is made to maintain a high standard of hygiene in the provision of the child care service including the maintenance of all equipment and furnishings in a thoroughly safe, clean and hygienic condition and in good repair. In this regard staff will report any equipment and/or area that is not clean or in a safe condition or any evidence of vermin to the ‘Safety Officer’.