Conditions of employment
Policy Statement
Cybertots Child Care Centre ensures that staff conditions are in concurrence with Equal Opportunity Act, Federal and State Industrial Dismissal Laws, Income Tax Assessment Act, Superannuation Guarantee Charge Act, Occupational Safety and Health Act and applicable award conditions. In addition to these conditions the centre will where possible provide a flexible and harmonious work environment for staff within the operational requirements of the service.
- Philosophy - ensure rights of staff are recognised and observed.
- Equal Opportunity, Industrial Awards, Occupational Safety and Health, Federal and State Industrial Laws, Workplace Agreements Act, Minimum Conditions of Employment, Federal dismissal Laws in Industrial Relations Act, Income Tax Assessment Act, Superannuation guarantee Charge Act, Quality Improvement and Accreditation System.
- Staff needs - Secure employment, fair working conditions, clear policies re: appraisal, grievance procedures, discipline, and dismissal. Family responsibilities.
- Management needs - To encourage good staff to stay in their employment.
How Policy will be implemented (Specific Policies and Procedures):
- All relevant conditions found in the Award will apply to all employees employed in accordance with the relevant award.
- Staff appraisals will take place within 3 months of employment and thereafter at least every 12 months. (See staff Appraisal Policy).
- Grievance procedures which include discipline and dismissal procedures are detailed under Staff Grievance Procedures Policy.
- Annual leave will be rostered to ensure required staffing levels are maintained. Staff members will consult with the Director to determine mutually acceptable dates. Leave may be accumulated for a maximum of 12 months before being taken. Every effort will be made to support staff who need to fulfil family responsibilities.
- Applications for leave without pay will be determined by the Director and Management Committee after consideration of:
- the applicants personal needs/family responsibilities
- the needs of the centre in relation to availability of relief staff and the effect of the staff members absence on the provision of quality child care
- the length of leave requested
- the applicants length of service at the centre
- the applicants previous requests for leave without pay.
- Shift rosters will be compiled by the Director after consultation with the staff concerned and taking into account:
- individual needs and circumstances of the staff and their family responsibilities
- maintenance of the required staff: child ratios.
- Tea break times will be on a flexible basis to suit the daily needs of programs, provided the proper staff: child ratios are always maintained.
- If any staff wish to work in a job share arrangement the following provisions will apply:
- maximum one position in the centre to be shared
- the share should be 3:2 days per week or fortnight
- jobs must be advertised
- both parties will attend staff meetings, program planning and other duties as required
- salaries will be determined according to permanent salaried rates (casual loading)
- during annual leave taken by one party, the remaining partner will take over full time, if circumstances allow
- workers forming job share partnerships should be compatible in skills and attitudes
- each individual worker must have a separate contract of employment, specifying the nature of the job share arrangements and including severability in the share arrangements due to unresolvable conflict with the partner, or inability to find a suitable replacement following resignation of one partner.
- All staff are required to maintain a high level of Confidentiality. (See Confidentiality Policy).
- Staff may accept or make local brief personal telephone calls during their regular break or at times agreed as convenient by the Director. Outgoing calls will be logged and paid for.
- Staff should wear suitable clothing that allows them to perform their duties safely and is appropriate to the child care setting. Hats are considered an Occupational Health and Safety necessity.
Cybertots recommends that staff:- wears closed-in, comfortable shoes to protect their feet
- wears neat, clean, conservative clothing to present a professional image
- wears their hair in a clean and tidy way
- wears long hair tied up to prevent damage from children pulling on it
- wears jewellery that won't scratch or harm the children
- wears their name badges while in the centre and on excursions.
- Smoking is not permitted on the child care premises or within sight of the children.
- The centre will not employ a member of the management committee as this will be in breach of the Rules (Constitution) of the Association. In the circumstance that a committee member was offered employment at the centre they would be required to stand down from the committee before taking up the offered position.
- Wages will be paid fortnightly by direct banking.
- In the case of a summons to appear in court or for Jury Duty the employee is required to notify the Director as soon as possible providing as much information as possible in relation to dates and the duration they will be absent from work, to assist in the organisation of relief staff.
Payment of wages for this absence will depend on whether:- the court appearance is related to the employees work at the centre
- the duration of the absence is short or lengthy
- the employee is eligible for recompense by the courts for their required attendance
- the court attendance is entirely a private matter unrelated to the employees work or community duty.
- Details of the employee's loss of earnings will be provided to employees for their application for recompense from the courts.
- The committee will negotiate the introduction of any major change in the workplace with the employees to be affected and will make every effort to mitigate any adverse effects of such changes and to give prompt consideration to the matters raised by the employees throughout the process of negotiation.
- The service is required to inform the Commonwealth Department of any industrial activity or negotiations with unions on terms and conditions of employment.
- Staff will have access to the designated staffroom (or separate area away from the children) for respite, lunch-breaks and other non-contact time agreed between the employer and the employee.
- Staff conditions will be reviewed annually. The review process will include input from management and staff, and will determine a process for the implementation of any agreed changes.