Staff orientation
Policy Statement
All new staff will receive an orientation to the centre and their position, that will provide them with introductions, clear expectations about their working arrangements and explanations about the operations, philosophy, policies and procedures of the centre where possible before commencement of their duties.
- Philosophy - ensure rights of staff is recognised and observed.
- Occupational Health Safety and Welfare Act - duty on employers to inform, instruct and train employees.
- Children's needs - Continuity of care.
- Parents needs - Assistance in getting to know new staff members.
- Staff needs - new team members are able to perform required tasks and understand the operation of the centre.
- New staff - introduction to existing staff.
- Clear expectations about their working arrangements.
- Opportunities to ask questions before and after commencing employment.
How Policy will be implemented (Specific Policies and Procedures):
- All staff positions will be advertised according to Equal Opportunity Legislation (refer E.O. Policy) and will request applications in writing that address the selection criteria of the position and include the names and contact numbers of two referees
- The management of the centre will ensure that the positions job description and selection criteria:
- reflect the centre philosophy of creating a warm and caring environment
- include a requirement for good communication skills
- include appropriate knowledge to be able to provide for the children's needs
- ensure listed qualifications meet regulation requirements.