
Children's environment and program

Communicating with family members

Conditions of employment


Dealing with clients

Draft letter of dismissal

Equal opportunity



Grievance procedures - committee

Grievance procedures - parents

Grievance procedures - staff

Guidelines for food allergies

Guiding children's behaviour



Late collection


Occupational safety & health


Sample letter of warning

Staff appraisal

Staff orientation

Staff selection

Sun care

Immunisation medication and management of illness

Immunisation medication and management of illness

Policy Statement:

Cybertots Child Care Centre will provide a safe caring environment for children to develop to their full potential.





Management of Unwell Children


Medication will only be administered by the centre staff if:

  1. it is prescribed by a doctor and has the original label detailing the child’s name and required dosage
  2. the parent/guardian has completed and signed an authority to give medication form
  3. medication must be given directly to the staff member and not left in the child’s bag or locker
  4. before medication is given to a child the staff member will verify the correct dosage with another staff member. After giving the medication the staff member will complete the following details on the authority to give medication form - name of child, date, time, dosage, medication given; person who administered, person who verified with signatures to validate.
  5. medication will never be added to a child’s bottle for administration
  6. where medication for treatment of long term conditions or complains such as asthma, epilepsy or ADD is required, the centre may require a letter from the child’s medical practitioner or specialist detailing the medical condition of the child, correct dosage as prescribed and how the condition is to be managed.