Caring for babies
Bottle feeding
Changing a nappy
Cleaning and sterilising bottles
Daily cleaning tasks
Helping new children settle in
Preparing for a nappy change
Sleep patterns – babies
Sleep routines – babies
Toilet training
Caring for children
Allowing time for practice
Nappy change
Packing away/caring for the environment
Sleep/rest time
Common self-help milestones
Tips for sleep and rest time
Self image
Body language
Limits and guidelines
Ways children communicate
Greeting children and families
Modelling appropriate communication
Verbal and non–verbal communication
Acknowledging children's feelings
Listening attentively
Communicating with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander parents/carers
Allowing time for practice
Nappy change
Packing away/caring for the environment
Sleep/rest time
Common self-help milestones
Creative development
Language development
Modelling positive relationships
Physical development
Sharing and taking turns
Sleep patterns – babies
Sleep routines – babies
Encourage independent problem solving
Fundamental movement skills
Health, hygiene and safety
Coping with stress
Correct manual handling principles
Daily cleaning tasks
Hand washing
Hand washing poster
Manual handling overview
Toilet training
Safety checklist
Learning experiences and play
Environmentally friendly learning experiences
Learning experiences for different development areas
Creative resource materials
Arranging the environment to facilitate learning and pleasure
Indoors and outdoor areas
Creating a positive physical environment
Legal and ethical issues
Child abuse case studies
How do I recognise when a child or young person is at risk?
Tips on dealing with disclosures
Observation methods
Arranging Experiences (PDF 351Kb)
Recording observations
Rules for making observations
What you can learn from observations
Children’s interests, strengths, needs and skills
Extending the children’s interest in dinosaurs
Objective observation
Planning an OSHC environment
Behavior management plan
Planning enjoyable experiences
Planning experiences for 0 - 2 years age group
Planning experiences for 2 - 3 years age group
Planning experiences for 3 - 5 years age group
Rules for making observations
The letters below represent the essential techniques for good observing and recording skills. Have a look at the mnemonic, RAAVOOM can help you remember these important points.
To be reliable means to be conscientious and consistent. It also means being fair and just. You need to observe exactly what you see and hear.
Do not be distracted by side issues. If this becomes a problem, maybe you could select another method of observation and an alternative time. For example, you might write an Anecdotal Record after the event rather than a Running Record at the time of occurrence. You may need to make sure other staff are able to support you by taking on additional responsibilities during the time you are recording observations.
Use precise language in descriptions of behaviour.
For observations to be valid, the most appropriate recording method must be used. Did the observation record what you intended to observe?
Be aware of how stereotype attitudes affect objectivity. It is essential to constantly self-assess your objectivity. It is challenging to remain objective in stressful situations, but you can do this by remembering to write down only what you see or hear. Describe what the child is doing, how they are doing it, when they are doing it and with whom. NOT WHY.
Organising time
Observations and recordings are important, but they are only a small part of the professional responsibility of a trained caregiver. Since you are a student, it is understood that you require time to learn and practice your skills. As a trained caregiver with responsibility for a group of children, you will need to efficiently organise your time so you can carry out observations as well as meet all the other responsibilities of caregiving.
Maintaining focus
Remember: you need to collect information that will give you a reliable picture of the child in a variety of settings and contexts.